What is the Talent Elevator?
Talent Elevator is for everyone who wants more. More than just studying. We give you the opportunity to do just that.
Spend a day together with a top company, gain insights into the world that awaits you after graduation and exchange ideas with company representatives and other students in a relaxed atmosphere.
What is the
Talent Elevator?
Der Talent Elevator ist für alle, die Lust auf mehr haben. Mehr, als nur studieren. Wir geben euch die Möglichkeit dazu.
Spend a day together with a top company, gain insights into the world that awaits you after graduation and exchange ideas with company representatives and other students in a relaxed atmosphere.
Talent Elevator 2023
How does it work? Easy.
Bewirb dich zuerst mit unserem Formular für die drei Unternehmen, die dir von unseren Partnern am besten gefallen. Am 26. Mai von 09:00 bis 21:00 Uhr findet dann die Veranstaltung im SO/ Vienna Hotel statt. wo du einen Tag mit deinem Unternehmen verbringen wirst. Dort nimmst du an spannenden Working Sessions mit entspannten Gesprächen in den Pausen teil und lässt den Tag mit einem eleganten Dinner am Abend und anschließender After Party ausklingen – also, worauf wartest du noch?
How does it work? Easy.
First apply with our form for the three companies that you like best from our partners. On May 26 from 09:00 to 21:00, the event will take place at the SO/ Vienna Hotel, where you will spend a day with your company. There you will take part in exciting working sessions with relaxed discussions during the breaks and round off the day with an elegant dinner in the evening followed by an after-party - so what are you waiting for?

Unsere Partner
der letzten Jahre

Highly motivated students
of all fields of study
Highly motivated students
of all fields of study

Top companies
from different industries
2 Keynotes
3 Working Sessions
Network Dinner
& After Event